"Drive! Drive! Drive!"
We were about to miss the 4th of July fireworks, the whole reason we delayed our trip until July 9th. If we stay in Asia, we might not get to see them again. It's not like they don't have great fireworks there, but it's different, ya know? We watch them on a beach over a lake with lots of friends. Everybody makes s'mores and the kids do sparklers. I always wanted kids old enough to partake. All those years trying to have babies and I kept thinking, about having kids on the 4th. Stupid, I know, but that's me. Here we are with kids finally old enough to enjoy and we were about to bolt...so I kind of demanded we hang out in NY until after the 4th.
I called to find out when the lake was doing the fireworks and for some reason I thought they were doing it on the 8th, a Saturday. In the meantime, Hudson's best friend, Spencer, invited us to their pool and then over for a BBQ on the actual 4th. We were leaving for the pool when Tom read an email all about the fireworks on the 4th - just hours away!
So... we went to the pool, the BBQ (almost as special as the fireworks!) and then drove like bats out of hell to the beach. We made it in plenty of time and I was right - having kids on the 4th is one of the most magical things in the world. Definitely worth all those damn shots - and delaying our trip! Ha!