Growing up Fast!
Friday, August 24, 2012 at 9:42AM
Melinda Murphy Hiemstra

WAHOOO!!!! This entry is really for the grandparents, but y'all are welcome to read my brag page. Ha!

Hudson pooped in the potty today!!! With the promise of a M&M, my barely-two-year-old boy pulled down his pull-up and did his business in the toilet. What a grin he made! I wish I had a picture! Of course, his best friend Spencer who is only a day younger has been pooping in the potty for months. Even so, Hudson is pretty young to be tackling this. What a long way we've come from his absolute terror he showed only a few weeks ago at the mere idea of sitting naked on the potty. He used to only attempt sitting with his clothes on!

He has grown up SO much! This morning he very clearly said, "Where's the food? I don't see it. I'm hungry." He's talking in whole paragraphs now! He understands everything we say. Amazing.

He watches Dora and repeats the Spanish words and correctly answers all the questions. He keeps up with his sister on so many levels.

He's getting his two-year-old molars so he's got his fingers in his mouth all day and has been waking up at night because he hurts, poor fella. Yesterday, he took a THREE hour nap (the usual is an hour tops).

Maisie, too, is speaking far better. I'd venture to say she wouldn't even need speech therapy if they tested her today. As it was, she was on the borderline of qualifying before we left. She is full of questions about how things work ... why, what, how. All of that is totally normal and on schedule - and a bit annoying! It's also quite fun because we can have an actual conversation about stuff.

She has an uncanny ability to recall where we were and her memory is a bit creepy. She saw a picture yesterday of our basement in Bronxville and then told me all about it. We moved from there when she wasn't yet three.

Her tantrums are far better though definitely still bad. I think they are perhaps less frequent and they don't last as long as they once did. She is also transitioning far better from one thing to another. When she's tired, she is definitely "off" and far more sensory. There is a definite correlation between her extreme sensory issues and sleep. Sadly, Hudson is tantruming, too. What fun! TWO TANTRUMING TODDLERS!

She is as musical as ever, dancing and making up songs all day long. Hudson sings with her and the two together are quite loud. Their repetoire is quite long these days! No wonder the neighbor hates us! She still does a lot of art and Hudson tries to color, as well.

We're taking them both to Kindergolf today. I'm pretty sure Hudson is the next Tiger Woods. There is a program here that evaluates kids as young as 18-months and - if there's a talent - they'll teach them golf. Hudson will be thrilled! He reads golf magazines and practices hitting things all day. If there's anything long and something round, he's whacking the two together. 

Tee hee! Tom is so excited that he's actually going to spend his lunch hour watching the 45-minute session!

Article originally appeared on Family Adventure Travel (
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