Happy Birthday, Maisie!!!
Saturday, August 25, 2012 at 9:43PM
Melinda Murphy Hiemstra

Where does the time go?! How could my little girl be four now? FOUR! I know, most of my friends are wondering how their kids could be heading off to college, but hey, I'm a late bloomer. My college roommate Brenda turned 50 yesterday! Some of my friends have GRANDKIDS! Still, I'm flabbergasted that my little girl has four years under her belt already.

The day started on such a high note. We skyped with Maisie's very best friend, Matilda! Watching two four-year-olds "talk" was pretty hysterical! Mostly, they just giggled. They we talked with Oma Annette & Opa (& Digby, our dog) and Uncle Murph & Tia Virginia then opened e-cards and presents. Life was great!

Then it wasn't so great. Hudson's diaper leaked AND he's getting his two-year-old molars so he was up all night which means that Maisie was up all night, too. That spells two, grumpy kids - and two grumpy parents. What fun for Mommy & Daddy!

Grumpy or not, we took them to a playgroup at their new school here. They won't start til September 10th, but the teachers wanted to observe the two of them, especially Maisie. She didn't have a banner day at this place, but they did have cupcakes for her so that cheered her up. The principal made them for her on her very first day! The best news is that they understand Maisie's special needs and are completely prepared to work with her. Yea! The school is doing the cutest unit this week all about construction. Adorable! Since Tom stayed the whole time (while I raced around doing birthday preps), this doesn't really count as Hudson's first day of school - soon, but not yet :-)

After school (and a nap by both), we raced off to yet another water park called Jurong East Swimming Complex. This is a public park, very cheap (admission for the four of us was $6!) and very local. In fact, I don't think I saw any other westerners there today though Tom said he saw a couple. 


This is SOME water park, massive in scope. It makes me think a little of Tibbits Park in Yonkers, a public park that was recently renovated, but this is far bigger. Jurong East was also recently renovated from what I understand. There is the largest water slide mixmaster I have ever seen. Then, of course, there's a water playground, the baby pool with a water umbrella. a jacuzzi pool with at least 7 different jacuzzi areas, a lazy river and a standard HEATED lap pool. The really interesting pool is the wave pool. Half the time, the wave pool is a zero entry pool with a double waterfall on one end made to look like it's coming out of a natural cliff. The other half? It's a raging sea.

As a quick aside: there is a huge difference in swim attire at a pool in Singapore. Some wear bikinis, some wear one pieces. Many Asians wear things that look like wetsuits, not necessarily to protect them from the sun, but because of their modesty and religion. And yes, there are some ladies dressed in bhurkas! What may crack me up the most is that the Western men wear the most modest swimsuits and the Western women are often in bikinis and it's just the opposite in other cultures. Ha!


The kids hated the water playground because the water was too cold. Bummer. That's the whole reason we took a $15 cab ride out there! Rather, we spent most of our time in the lap and wave pools. Tom threw Maisie in the air a zillion times and she practiced her strokes. Hudson had a ball running through the water. They were exhausted beyond belief tonight - a success!!

Happy birthday, my love! Happy birthday!

PS. Yes, yes, I still need to write about my Househunters International Day yesterday, but I'm too tuckered. Soon...

Article originally appeared on Family Adventure Travel (http://www.theadventuresofteamhiemstra.com/).
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