The Next Tiger Woods?
Saturday, August 25, 2012 at 1:31PM
Melinda Murphy Hiemstra

Hudson loves golf. I mean the kid is more obsessed than his Daddy which is saying something, trust me. If he finds something sort of round and something that kind of resembles a club, he'll do his best to whack one with the other. He reads golf magazines. He even watches the slow-as-molasses sport on TV. 

As it turns out, Asians are even more golf crazy than folks in the US. Naturally, they want their young un's to learn as early as possible. So when I heard there was something called Kindergolf here, well... I just had to give it a try!

Kindergolf is as the name suggests - a place for little kids to learn golf. They can start as young as 18 months. Eventually, they have junior tournaments. The classes are in a small room in a mall, but as the kids get bigger, they would go to real golf courses in the area. 

We signed up both kids for an introductory, 45-minute lesson. Maisie wasn't even slightly interested, but Hudson loved each and every second of it. By the end of his time there, he even was correcting his grip all by himself! Making contact with the ball has been something Hudson could naturally do since he was about 14 months, but lessons are far more than teaching a kid not to whiff the ball. For starters, they teach safety first. Since they use real clubs (cutest things you've ever seen!), they stress things like "Don't whack your sister" and "No ball throwing in the house." I'm all for that.

So we're going to give it a try and see what happens. Move over Tiger. I'm planning on Hudson taking care of me in my old age with his winnings and sponsorships. 

I did look at apartments yesterday - updates to come. Last night, we went out for dinner and today is Maisie's birthday so I'm behind!!! Happy birthday my sweet, sweet girl!! FOUR!

Article originally appeared on Family Adventure Travel (
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