The first day of school - ever!
Monday, September 10, 2012 at 5:57PM
Melinda Murphy Hiemstra

The morning was mostly filled with smiles and giggles, but a few tears wiggled their way into the mix, too. Oh yea - the same went for Maisie and Hudson.

There's something bittersweet about your kid going to school for the very first time. On one hand, you're just so darn happy for your kid to have a new experience in life - and to get yourself some longed-for, much-needed free time. On the other hand, your baby is growing up. My kids are no longer babies - and I'll never have a baby again. Time is flying and while it's wonderful and the way it should be, it's also a bit hard to say goodbye to the infant stage. Babies are just so - I dunno - baby-like!

So I was the one cooing over each of them as they waited for the taxi. Yes, taxi. I know most kids ride in the back of their mommy's SUV or take a bus. Here in Singapore when you don't have a car and the school doesn't have bus service and it's too far to walk, you take a taxi. Maisie thought they were taking the cab by themselves because that's what you do in a bus. She told the driver, "Please take me to school. Bye Mommy!" and started to shut the door and wave goodbye. Ha! The whole trip there she told the driver that today was her first day of school and it was Hudson's first day, too. 

For once, I was smart. I didn't tell Maisie she was starting school until she woke up. That way, she was really well rested. Oh my gosh, she was excited! She got dressed right away this morning and even joyfully had her hair brushed! I was worried about Hudson as he'd been sick yesterday and coughed like a seal a few times during the night.  Even so, he woke up with his usual ultra cheer so he got to start today, too.

The drop off couldn't have been easier. Both kids RAN into school. Here things are a little different though. Just like at all the indoor playgrounds, each kid must have his temperature taken as well as his mouth, hands and throat examined before entering the building. This is because Foot & Mouth disease is so prevalent here. It's not the same as Hoof & Mouth disease that animals get. Rather, this makes your mouth and throat so sore that you can't swallow and some kids end up getting really sick from lack of nutrition.

What really helped with Maisie? The staff had put two My Little Pony ponies on the desk at the front door for her. I mean, what American school does that? You know what else American schools don't do? Incorporate Mandarin lessons into class, but both my kids needed Chinese books for class. Cool!

Once they passed the temperature test, they both flew down the hall with nary a goodbye.

I wiped a tear, did a little jig and then met my Aussie friend Heather (not to be confused with the American Heather) for breakfast at an Australian placed called Jones the Grocer in an area known as Dempsey Hill. How could I possibly have missed Dempsey Hill so far? It's the kind of place I LOVE, filled with stores packed to the brim with cool, imported antiques and trinkets from afar. 

Of course, the second I sat down, the phone rang - every mother's fear the first day of school. Sure enough, they were calling about an hour after I'd dropped them off because Hudson was having a bit of a hard time. He would play for a bit then break down into tears and start calling, "Mommy." He'd be sad for a bit and then they'd distract him and he'd go on his merry way. We decided that I'd come at 11:15 to pick him up rather than 12:30. His class gets out at 11:30, but he's supposed to hang out with the teachers til 12:30 when Maisie gets out. 

Truth? I was a bit happy he missed me. Maisie never did. It's nice to be loved - as long as it doesn't become a huge problem. 

Just like the kids needing distracting, so did I. Heather and I poked around in the shops for a while and then I buzzed back to the school. Hudson was a happy camper, even before he saw me, but oh did his face light up when he realized I was there. He flew into my arms and screamed, "Mommy!" then giggled and giggled. I gave him a tiny, chocolate car I found at Jones the Grocer. He was ecstatic. He kept saying, "More car!" making his teachers laugh.

The teachers said they took pictures of him in the class for me and would send them to me at the end of the week. I got them by the end of the day! I love this school.

While we waited for Maisie, Hudson and I went across the street to Tanglin Mall, the expat mall, and bought a few snacks for our playdate this week (we're hosting a swim date at the apartment). He rode in some of the goofy car rides and then we went back to pick up Maisie.

Maisie? She had a great day until the very end when she started to get tired and wanted to be a sheep in a play they were doing about sheep. I never quite got the full story. She has an intern assigned to just her for the first week to help her adjust. WOW! The biggest sign she liked it here was that she was crying because she didn't want to go home. Hudson cried hysterically when he got home out of hunger more than anything I think. Cheryl had lunch for us all waiting. What a morning! I had time to myself and lunch was prepared for them without my effort! Both ate dumplings and BOTH went to bed to take a nap! I like this school thing!!!

Whew. Mission accomplished! I now have two kids in school - in a foreign land! I've done it. I've raised my babies and they are little people now. Excuse me while I go cry a little bit more.

Article originally appeared on Family Adventure Travel (
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