
Wah. The day I've been dreading is here.

We have two houses. One is a rental that we'll keep til February. The other is a weekend house we've been trying to sell for the past several months. The rental house will stay as is so we have a home here if we return. Amazingly, packing it up and paying mover and storage costs wasn't all that cheaper than continuing to rent it. International movers would have to pack it all over again so why pack it?

The other house is 230-years-old. We gut renovated it and put a lot of ourselves into it. It's a weird house filled with old barn wood, strange doors and odd sinks. Even more so? It's filled with crap. Lots and lots of crap. For months, I have tried to find a tag sale person to clean it out for us, but we don't have fabulous antiques so nobody will touch it. I can't do it. I mean, I have two toddlers!

Somehow - just last week - I talked my two college-age baby sitters into doing it for us while we're gone. So before we go, not only do I have to buy and pack the crap we need, get travel shots and physicals and continue to cook daily meals, but now have to clean out all the crap we don't want in both houses. 

I have laid in bed for months thinking about it - sad to sell the house and a bit frightened to go through all the stuff. SO here it is? D-Day. Packing Day. Hell on Earth.



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