
Sleep? Ha!

"What the hell are you doing? It's two in the morning!?" my husband yelled when we were first together.

"I can't sleep. The sheets are messed up," I simply explained as I remade the bed with him in it. 

For weeks, he talked about it. Now - fourteen years later - he doesn't even wake up when I get up to rearrange the comforter.

All to say, I'm a lousy sleeper. Apparently, Hudson is a chip off the old block. He needs very little sleep and decided to prove it on the flight. In total, he slept 5 hours. I slept 3. He wasn't upset, just hyper as all get out laughing his head off keeping every single person on the plane awake. Most were Chinese, but a glare in any language means the same thing.

As my doctor suggested, I tested out Benadryl a couple of weeks ago and he slept like a baby (Why do we say that? Babies are terrible sleepers!). So after struggling to get him to sleep, I popped in the Benadryl. Nothing. 

I suppose the bright side is that neither kid had a tantrum or cried. 

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