
A Day of Water

It happened. I knew it would. How could it not? I mean, something like that is way too tempting for a 2-year-old boy. Truth be told, I've been kept awake at nights fearing he'd climb out of his bed (something else he delights in doing) and do it all by himself while we're lost in slumber.

Hudson went swimming with the fish.

Every morning, Cheryl and the kids feed the fish in the koi pond. It's a little like feeding Digby, Hudson's daily chore. They both giggle with delight every time the fish bob for food on top of the water.

This morning, Cheryl turned her back to put the food back in the cabinet. Hudson saw his chance and climbed right into the water. I think he thought he could pet a fish. Why not? He did it at the touch tank at Underwater World.

Of course, Cheryl whisked him out of the water, peeled off his clothes and threw him immediately in the tub. I checked on the fish who were flying around the tank obviously all abuzz by the intruder, but okay otherwise.

Aw... toddlers.

It was a big day for swimming. We finished the day as we do every day: in the pool. Only today, Hudson wailed and wailed because he wanted to take off his safety float belt. I finally took it off and he tried like the dickens to swim on his own. I had to let him keep going underwater to realize he can't do it - and yet he kept trying. Not to be outdone by her younger brother, Maisie took off her swim belt, too, and swam half way across the pool all by herself! She's been able to swim for a while now, but she didn't THINK she could swim. I predict that by the end of the summer, they BOTH may be swimming on their own. WOW! Hudson is barely two!

Speaking of swimming, we have been able to watch more of the Olympics which has been great fun. Again, it's odd because prime time stuff here isn't what the US typically broadcasts, but my favorite sports are at least showing during the day and I've been able to see Americans in the finals. It's been kind of fun to watch the Olympics in another country accutely aware that we dominate. Again, I'm proud to be an American and also a little embarassed at all the riches we have. Speak ing of prime time, tonight they're not airing the Olympics at all, but an episode of Mr. Bean. I watched Rowan Atkinson's Olympic opening night bit - hysterical.

After our morning swim in the fish pond and fright as Hudson dove off my bed, we went to yet another indoor playground with their new buddy Mason. Heather brought her other son Kade with us, too. Kade is 12 so he was the one chasing all the little ones through the maze! Wahoo! Kade can come any time he wants (plus, he's a darn nice kid!) This place was called The Polliwogs. It wasn't nearly as tall as Amazonia, but wider by far so perhaps it's about the same size and it was much cheaper - and closer to our apartment. There was also a cafe for us moms to sip coffees while the little ones climbed this way and that. Again, there were all sorts of cool things within the maze including "guns" that shot balls (Hudson's favorite) and a trampoline that looked like water made out of gel, Maisie's favorite. The baby area was neat, too, because there was a slide that had water running under the plastic and there were more activities for tiny kids than usual including a turning carousel that you could climb inside.

Back home, there are a few of these places. The one close to us is called Kids U. The place hosts 9 birthday parties every weekend and makes a fortune. I keep wondering what a really fancy maze like this one could rake in any given weekend!

Polliwogs is located in Robertson Walk on Robertson Quay which runs along the Singapore River. The Walk makes me think of shopping centers in Coconut Grove, Florida and it's near where I met Penelope for coffee the other day.

After the kids had worn themselves out, we wandered over to a cafe called Baa Baa Black Sheep. The kids had nuggets and fries while Heather and I chowed down on Thai food. Man, I love that you can get anything you want here. I mean - anything!

While we were there, it began to pour, the kind of rain we used to call a "gully washer" back home. There was something really lovely about spending a lazy lunch under a big umbrella, eating Thai food, near a river. The rain really did wash the gullys out because on the way home we saw a GIANT snail on the sidewalk. It must have been 4" long. Maisie loves snails as they took care of one in her class at school. She was upset because I wouldn't let her kiss it!


Of course, the air was incredibly humid as we walked to meet them - and not so nice as I walked home either. I grew up in West Texas where it can get well past 100 degrees, but it's dry heat. I can do that, but this humidity? Ugh! My junior high gym teacher wouldn't let me play sports outside because I had an inability to sweat. Apparently, I've gotten over that. Sniff sniff. I took a shower when I got up to wake up, a shower to rinse off after our outing and another shower after swimming. 

It's a good thing Singaporeans are so energy conscious. We have in-line water heaters. Some Americans - including my mother-in-law - have those but here, they have a switch on the wall and you turn it on when you need it. The plugs are the same way. The up side is you can leave all your chargers plugged in and just flip the switch. That way you aren't draining power when you aren't using it. It's cool, but not so cool when Hudson is your son. He loves flipping those switches and I don't notice until I'm midway through an ice cold shower or realize my computer didn't charge after all. Besides, I can't stand looking at all those wires plugged into the wall much to Tom's dismay.

Time to wrap up. Cheryl has whipped up some noodle concoction. She cooked yet another fabulous meal after ironing all our laundry today - including the comforter and Tom's underwear! We are so spoiled! How will I adjust going home? And if we move here permanently, how can I expect my children to learn to do chores if I don't? Hmmm... food for thought.

Oh - and a quick shout out to my friend Jodi. She says the kids at the daycare she runs in her home are reading my blog every day. Maisie and Hudson are delighted! Thanks!

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