
Flowers and Friends

I know I've been here for a while now because I'm starting to repeat things! OH NO! Actually, it was kind of depressing realizing that I've already done a lot of the things to do here. I've been quite busy making sure that we saw everything in case we don't come back. Then again, if we do come back, so much of the exploring will have already been accomplished. Of course, there's always more to see - even if we live here for 10 years. Still....

Tom isn't as lucky. He has to work during the week so he wanted to see The Gardens by the Bay. For more about this, use the search engine of my blog and search "GARDENS" and you can read all about our first trip there. This was his first time seeing the Super Trees up close and going inside the Flower Dome and the Cloud Forest. I think he was equally as impressed as I was. I mean, who wouldn't be? It's a very cool spot. 

Speaking of cool, the entire day was cool. We took a taxi to the Gardens. The Gardens are cold inside. It rained while we lunch which cooled everything off. We then walked around inside the Marina Bay Sands which is downright frigid - for Singapore. I'm afraid to say it: I didn't sweat the whole day! What a giant relief!

So here's what cracks me up about the shops at the Sands: they have WINTER clothes in the window. WINTER CLOTHES! Coats, boots - the works! I can't imagine how these shops stay open in the first place because everything is so darn expensive in them, but turning a profit showing WINTER clothes? I guess some folks need them to go home to the States or China or Australia, but it just seems a bit ridiculous. Somebody told me there's an actual boot season here. I can't wait to see gals tricked out in winter boots walking around in feel-like 105 temperatures! I won't be one of them, I guarantee you that!

I learned something else cool a couple of weeks ago: the ice skating rink in this mall is made out of synthetic ice! Apparently, there's a rink like this in Ridgefield, CT as well, but this is the first one I've ever seen. It's pretty cool. I keep thinking maybe I'll try to take the kids ice skating one day with Cheryl as she'd have a kick doing it, too. Well, I think she'd have fun. Hudson is so athletic, he might actually be able to do it though I worry a bit about the sharp blades. I doubt anybody here is all that good.

Last night, Heather and Mitch invited us over for a BBQ. We got to see their super nice, Exxon-funded apartment at the St. Regis residences. WOW! The main room is really wide open with a glass enclosure in the middle that most folks probably use as an office, but they use as their playroom. The kitchen is the slickest I've seen here yet. They have a tiny, back balcony with a grill set up - no view. It's really to access the helper's area, but they don't have a helper. It's very nice and has a super, duper location.

The kids had an absolute ball though Hudson wrote all over himself! He was literally green around the gills when we left! Ha! The food was great and the company even better. I feel so lucky that we've made such good friends since we got here. 


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