
Meanwhile, back home....

The fifth member of Team Hiemstra is our dog, Digby. I'm not sure who misses her more, me or Maisie.

Dig has been staying with Tom's dad and stepmother on their farm in upstate New York. That dog may have had the best summer vacation of any living soul on the planet. Every day, she and her boyfriend dog Wilem have been swimming, hiking, chasing balls and eating gourmet food. Digby is in the best shape of her life!

She wrapped up her summer with a trip to Lake George that included four dogs in total as well as our niece and nephew. That's one lucky pup - and we're lucky to have family like Jippe and Annette. Of course, Tom's mom has been taking care of our mail which is another kind of huge responsibility. I don't know what we'd do without any of them!

Tom's dad and stepmother have to return to life in New York City so Digby has moved to a new location, the Reilly household which is about 5 minutes from our house in Chappaqua. Finley takes swimming with Maisie and her mom Danielle and I got to be good friends while the two girls paddled around the pool. Their golden retriever died this year so they immediately raised their hand when I was talking about what to do with Digby. The family includes three kids, each more excited than the other to have a dog in the house. We are so lucky to have friends like them! Truth is, not only do I miss Digby, but I miss folks like Danielle and my family.

Digby is getting lots of love and lots of walks, but I'm a LITTLE worried that she's wondering why she didn't go home - back to her family - back to us. Yup, I'm definitely worried about her mental health, but I know she's being treated like a royal queen. I'm also worried their kids will get too attached to her. How could they not? She's a great dog!

Just in case we're moving here for good, Digby will start her shots while we're gone. If she starts now, she'll only have to be quarantined for 10 days rather than 30! 

Oh Dig... I miss you. All I want to do is rub your soft, fuzzy head. Sniff.


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    Loudmouth Golf at golf clubs. Bennington at golf equipment. Pin Balls at golf shoes. Swing-eez at golf balls and Ogio Golf.
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    Response: aCuqulOB
    Family Adventure Travel - Blog - Meanwhile, back home....
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    Thanks so much for this great article; this is the kind of thing that keeps me going through the day. Ive been looking around for your article after I heard about them from a friend and was thrilled when I was able to find it after searching for some time. Being ...

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