
Now we're talking!

Sorry for the delay in posting. Either my computer or this site is acting up! VERY annoying! It's taken me HOURS to get this loaded! WAH!!

I love real estate. I love looking at it. I love renovating it. I love decorating it. So when I heard that the AWA was putting together a presentation about how to incorporate your "finds"from various travels into your home decor, I signed up immediately. Afterwards, I felt like screaming, "Nirvana!" Honestly, it'd be such fun to stay here just to decorate a house with all the cool stuff here!


The event was held at a store called Originals in an area known as Bukit Timah. An interior decorator named Caroline from Arete Culture first gave a lecture using before and after pictures to demonstrate her points. Then, she used some of the furniture in the store remaking the bed three different ways, styling a couch and dining table totally different three times over. A lot of the basics I already knew, but seeing how she incorporated treasures from her clients' travels was so eye-opening. Caroline is pretty amazing because she primarily uses stuff you already have and just rearranges it and adds to it. I just want to figure out where we're going to live so I can start using all her tips!


The store had all these great and unique things from all over Asia, many of them I could easily picture in my own house. I left a bit frustrated. If we were living here, I'd have taken a few pieces home with me! If we're going home for good, I might send a piece back. Once again, limbo sucks. Oh the dilemma! 

Truth is, I hate shopping for clothes because - let's face it - my body isn't what it used to be before two babies and two months in Asia. I get downright depressed when I try on clothes now. Shopping for the kids and my home have become my favorite past times. The kids have everything they need, plus this is a darn expensive city. So I'm left with shopping for my house. Darn! :-)

Actually, the morning did get my wheels turning faster than ever. If we do move here for good, I have to figure out what to leave behind and what to bring. One gal I met this morning told me it's important to bring your things and to have enough space for them because then you feel like you're home and not living in a hotel for years. That makes sense.

What I really liked about the event is that it was filled with women who also like to travel and pick up trinkets - women who are into decorating with odd things that have meaning. In general, the people I meet her are far more informed about the world than people back home. We can talk about things going on back home or political upheaval in Jakarta. It's really nice to meet so many broad-minded folks interested in a wealth of topics. One woman today had lived in 7 different countries on expat assignments!

The afternoon was spent at Heather's as she was hosting the playdate. Connie and Joy were there as well as another woman named Sarah. She happens to know the woman who rents the apartment where we're staying. It's a small world, this expat community! They played on the outdoor, shaded playground. Both of them came home with sopping wet hair. Ick!

Tonight, Tom and I took advantage of having Cheryl around and had a date night! We went to Chijmes, a 130-year-old building that once housed a Catholic convent school. It's a very cool building. I had high hopes for eating outside, but it was jsut too darn hot. Surprise! Tom was wearing long sleeves (what's wrong with that boy?!) so he was sweating like a guilty man on the witness stand.


We opted to eat at a Korean BBQ. Have you ever done that? The waitress cooks your food for you on a firepit at your table. Our choice was basically meat or more meat. We chose two beefs and it came with all these weird vegetables. Tom and I both have a pretty wide palette, but neither of us was really up for the vegetables. Ick. But hey - we tried and that's the point, right?


Then it finally happened.

We went to famous Long Bar at Raffles Hotel and I had my first official Singapore Sling. I've had one in the States and one at the Zoo, but the REAL Singapore Sling was first concocted at the Raffles Hotel. Now I feel - oh I don't know - initiated? 

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