


Every group has an Alpha. Turns out, here in Singapore, the Alpha American is a gal named Karla. It's not so much like that she's bossy. Nope, she just a take-charge woman who seems to know absolutely everybody I meet. Perhaps we just gravitate to the same sorts of things. Afterall, she's a New Yorker - and I quite like her! That's her in the white to with her little man.

Karla organized the playdate today and had us all take a bumboat ride on the Singapore River. The bumboats have been around since Singapore's early days and used to haul traders and their wares. Now? They just ferry tourists up and down the river much to Hudson's delight.


The kids were all pretty good for a bunch of two-year-olds - at least at the beginning. Then they started to get restless. Sadly, the noise from the kids meant I didn't hear anything about the sights - things like the Merlion. Darn! I did, however, get quite an eyeful, able to see all the landmarks from the water.


Afterwards, a bunch of us went to lunch. Maisie is so good about hanging out with her little brother's friends. She's been desperate to make friends with kids her own age. The problem? Most 4-year-olds are in school - or already have lots of friends.  They don't have playdate groups for kids her age.

Finally, I met somebody who has a four-year-old girl! Carrie also just moved here with her daughter Hannah and two older kids. We took the kids to Polliwogs and they had a blast - eventually. Maisie has been begging for a friend and then she wasn't very nice to Hannah when she first got there. Go figure.

Tonight, I played Bunco. I always made fun of my friend Denise for playing Bunco in Texas. Then I played in Bronxville. I was hooked. Last year? I organized the Junior League's big Bunco fundraiser! 

So when there was an opening in the AWA's regular Bunco game, I was the first to volunteer. A gal named Nilam (the pregnant gal seated) hosted Bunco at her very nice apartment not far from Orchard. Her husband is quite the photographer and on their wall, they have photos he's taken from all over the world. One photo caught my eye - a landscape of Manhattan. The view looked suspiciously familiar. Turns out, she used to live in the same complex in NJ where Tom and I used to live when we first got married - at the same time! I never knew her back then. Who would have thought that all these years later, I'd be sitting in her apartment on the other side of the globe. 

By the way, I won! Yup - I walked away with a whole 40 bucks - which is like US$32. Watch out, world! Here I come.

Tomorrow we're flying to Phuket, Thailand! Wahooo!!!! We went there on our honeymoon, but that was pre tsunami.

Best news of all? My uncle has been moved to a rehab hospital!! YEA!!!!!! Now THAT'S worth celebrating!

Have a great holiday weekend!

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